It is normal for all of us to experience anxiety and depression sometime in our lives. Having anxiety sometimes is normal and a helpful reaction, Whenever we face a stressful demanding situation but the problem arises if it occurs too often and lasts too long. If such symptoms last for months they disturb the quality of life and when the symptoms become severe one has to look for medical help Anxiety can be described as anticipatory anxiety which is a helpful response during danger or it acts as a fight response. There is another type of anxiety known as panic anxiety, in such a situation when one finds it very hard to cope with the demanding situation.

Mental health problems such as depression anxiety stress and insomnia are becoming part of our life these days life is so fast that we hardly get any time to connect with our moon inner selves as you guys are old traditions a part of our culture it has now become a part of complementary and alternative medicine and work as an adjunctive therapy.

Role in Yoga Therapy in stress, anxiety and depression

As yoga is our old tradition and a part of our culture, nowadays it has now become a part of complementary and alternative medicine. Yogic management for mental disorders /disturbances like anxiety, stress, and depression works on the principle that repeated jerks and movements produced by the body help the mind to get rid of repeated thoughts, tensions, and fears. Anxiety usually occurs as a fear that something will happen in the future so it is suggested that one should begin with fast body movements and then slowly can shift to slower movements the purpose is to give deep rest to the non-stop working mind. Even in the breathing practices it is suggested that we should start with fast breathing practices like Kapalbhati (forceful exhalations) and then shift slowly to practices like AnulomVilom or alternate nostril breathing so the pattern is started with rapid body movements going towards the slower and slower practices along with inner awareness. Modern lifestyles are very fast. People have no time to eat and sleep peacefully. For a beautiful life, the right knowledge of contentment is a must but one should understand that for that contentment there is a need for the right knowledge and one should know the purpose and meaning of one’s life. Regular practice and inner awareness are a must for a happy and satisfied life.

Different physical practices which can play an important role in treating anxiety stress and depression are given below:


Jogging includes slow jogging backward jogging forward jogging and side jogging.

Slow jogging is a type of jogging that is done on our toes slowly for about 10 to 15 times.

 In backward jogging, we should learn a little forward and start jogging gradually hitting the buttocks with the heels this time the speed should be. More than slow joking. It can be practiced 15 times and the speed can be reduced gradually.

In forward jogging we should lean back a little and now raise the knees higher and higher towards the chest and start jogging with the speed repeat about 15 times and slow down the practice slowly and gradually slow down

Side way jogging is practiced by taking the heels sideways.

Try to bring the heels as close to elbows as possible. Repeat this movement 15 times at your maximum speed then gradually slowing down is advised. After a few rounds of practice one can stop and relax.


Stretch both arms above the head.Palms facing forward then bend backward with stretched arms above the head Then, slowly bend forward as much as possible. While stretching the arms up inhale and while bending forward exhale.Repeat it about 10 times by gradually increasing the speed . One should stay within the limits depending upon the capability of the body.Always try to bend from the lower waist , All the movements should go in a flow.


Side bending is very easy. One should stand up by keeping the legs about one meter apart.

Then raise the hands sideways parallel to the ground. Take care, while lifting up the hands one should inhale and  exhale while bringing them down.

Jogging includes slow jogging backward jogging forward jogging and side jogging.

Slow jogging is a type of jogging that is done on our toes slowly for about 10 to 15 times.

 In backward jogging, we should learn a little forward and start jogging gradually hitting the buttocks with the heels this time the speed should be. More than slow joking. It can be practiced 15 times and the speed can be reduced gradually.

In forward jogging we should lean back a little and now raise the knees higher and higher towards the chest and start jogging with the speed repeat about 15 times and slow down the practice slowly and gradually slow down

Side way jogging is practiced by taking the heels sideways.

Try to bring the heels as close to elbows as possible. Repeat this movement 15 times at your maximum speed then gradually slowing down is advised. After a few rounds of practice one can stop and relax.


Stretch both arms above the head.Palms facing forward then bend backward with stretched arms above the head Then, slowly bend forward as much as possible. While stretching the arms up inhale and while bending forward exhale.Repeat it about 10 times by gradually increasing the speed . One should stay within the limits depending upon the capability of the body.Always try to bend from the lower waist , All the movements should go in a flow.


Side bending is very easy. One should stand up by keeping the legs about one meter apart.

Then raise the hands sideways parallel to the ground. Take care, while lifting up the hands one should inhale and  exhale while bringing them down.

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