High Blood Pressure


Blood pressure is the force of circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels. Blood pressure usually represents the arterial pressure in the systemic circulation.


 When the heart contracts and pumps blood into the aorta during systole, the aortic pressure rises, and the maximum pressure following an ejection is called the systolic pressure.


 In between heartbeats, when the ventricles refill blood, the pressure falls to its lowest value called the diastolic pressure.

Factors affecting high blood pressure

  • old age 
  • genetics
  • being overweight or obese
  • not being physically active 
  • high-salt diet
  • drinking too much alcohol

There are two types of risk factors that can affect hypertension.

 Modifiable risk factors include lifestyle habits like smoking alcohol, excessive stress, excessive intake of salt, excessive use of packaged and ready-to-eat, and food sedentary lifestyle.

Non-modifiable risk factors are the genetic history of hypertension, old age any associated disorders like diabetes or kidney disease, and after-effects of medicines.


When the blood pressure is elevated repeatedly over a period of six months,  is it known as Hypertension. The systolic blood pressure exceeds over 140mmHg and diastolic pressure gets above 90mmHg (140/90) 


It is the most common type of hypertension it has no apparent cause to start. It may develop as a result of old age, obesity, high salt intake, lack of exercise smoking, and alcohol. The blood vessels get hardened with age and unhealthy diets make the blood flow sluggish.


There is always an underlying condition or a major risk factor that causes a rise in blood pressure.  Most commonly kidney problems and endocrine disturbances or excessive history of medications cause secondary hypertension.


Measuring blood pressure is very it is very quick to measure blood pressure and it is painless we can measure our own blood pressure using automated devices but it is always advised that one should go to a health professional for getting an accurate reading of blood pressure and evaluation by a health professional is important for the assessment of risk in future.

It is estimated that worldwide around 1.28 billion adults suffer from hypertension and more than 40% of them are unaware of the condition they are suffering from. It is one of the major causes of premature deaths worldwide.

Pharmacological Management

It includes drugs like:

  • Diuretics which help in eliminating water in urine.
  • Beta blockers are used to slow down the working of heart with less force lowering the blood pressure.
  • Vasodilators work on the muscles of arterial walls causing vasodilation which relaxes the smooth muscles of arteries.



If we want to be handy it is very important to keep both body weight and blood pressure under control. There was a study done called Framingham Heart Study which suggested that 78% cases of overweight men and 65% cases of overweight women were suffering from hypertension. Waist circumference and waists to hip ratio are the important markers to predict heart attacks heart diseases and diabetes.


Exercising on a regular basis has many health benefits. Studies show that Regular exercise is key to prevention and we all know Prevention is always better than cure.

Physical activity refers to any bodily movement which uses energy and is performed as part of daily activities, such as household chores, walking, certain work and leisure-time activities, games, sports, or planned exercise.

For every age bracket, the WHO recommends levels of physical activity for the prevention of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, stroke and hypertension.

World Health Organization has given some recommendations on physical activity based on age groups.

For Age Groups 5-17 Yrs

  • Children should engage themselves at least 60 minutes for moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity daily.
  • If the  physical activity is greater than 60 minutes , it provides additional health benefits.
  •  Daily physical activity should be aerobic. Vigorous intensity activities and strengthening exercises can be done three times in a week.


  • It is advised that Adults should engage at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week.
  • For additional health benefits, moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity can be increased to 300 minutes per week.
  • Muscle-strengthening activities should be carried out two or three days a week.

For Elderly

  • At least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic physical activity is recommended for older adults,throughout the week.
  • Aerobic activity should be done for 10-minutes duration.
  • For additional health benefits, older adults should increase their moderate intensity aerobic physical activity to 300 minutes per week.
  • Older adults with poor mobility  and health issues should also perform physical activity to enhance balance and prevent fall for at least three days in a week.
  • If anyone has  chest pain or suspected heart disease or any respiratory issues/ any kind of lung or heart ailments,should talk to the doctor  before beginning any exercise program.

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