Yoga is an ancient Indian mind-body practice that involves specific body postures called Asanas, some breathing practices called pranayama, and meditation. It can bring changes in our autonomic nervous system and these days it is one of the most popular and effective adjunctive therapy which gives wonderful results in many chronic and critical diseases. Let us start with the most fundamental posture which is known as TADASANA which can be pract easily by most of the people as a beginner In the field of yoga.
Many times we see people doing tadasana in two different ways. One type of Tadasana is done as a warming and as an initial pose before moving to more difficult postures.
Here, we interlock our fingers and stretch them high over our heads and we should stand up on our toes. This is the warming-up posture before starting further asanas.
In resting Tadasna which is known as SAMSTHITI, one can restore the energy and rest in the standing posture.
Although it looks very simple from the outside but from the inside our muscles remain active, strong, and work hard. The main target of Tadasana is to attain balance proper alignment and muscle engagement. It helps to cure the problems which arise due to prolonged sitting at a computer or on the laptop.
Tadasana works from the crown of the head down up to the heels it brings about changes all over the body full of awareness upon each and every muscle.

- Stand straight with both your feet at a distance of 2 inches from one another.
- Now lift your hands to your shoulders, keeping your palms facing each other, and then interlock your fingers together now slowly bend your wrists outwards.
- Take a deep breath in slowly lift your arms up above your head while keeping them in line with the shoulders.
- Keep your body steady in this position. Now slowly raise your heels up from the ground and stand on your toes without losing your balance.
- Stay in this position for about 10 to 15 seconds and breathe in and out normally.
- Try to stay still in this posture. It might be a little hard to maintain your balance in the beginning.
- You can try focusing on a single point in front of your eyes
- After staying in this position for 10 to 15 seconds, slowly let your breath out and lower your heels to the ground and slowly release the interlock of the fingers.
- Bring the arms down and come back to the standing position. Practicing this awesome pose brings stability to our body and mind.
Regular practice of Tadasana helps to correct our posture and it also improves the natural curve of our spine. and not only this, it helps us in improving our spinal flexibility which further helps us to do other postures correctly. That is why Tadasana is known as the mother of all asanas and the foundation of asana in yoga.
- It improves concentration and awareness.
- Improves alignment balance and stability.
- It is a really good asana for our feet, especially for the arches of the feet, ankles, calf muscles, thighs, and lower back, it also makes our buttocks and our abdomen firm
- It helps with sciatic pain.
- It reduces flat feet for kids and regular practice of tadasana help to increase the height in children.
- People with problems of cervical spondylitis can benefit from the regular practice of tadasana.
If anyone has a problem with low blood pressure, insomnia, or headache, they should avoid this practice.